
Since the foundation in 1988, Victor Design Corp. sets up mission in "Your Design Partners" by gathering talents of relevant fields with commitment in online image design, graphic design, packaging design, website design and consultant, forming into a multi-dimensional professional integration service team.

美可特品牌企劃設計,自1988年成立以來,以 ” Your Design Partners ” 為使命,集合相關領域人才,長時間投注於品牌、視覺設計、角色造型、包裝設計及廣告上,形成多面向的專業整合服務團隊。多年來我們將設計角度著眼於市場與消費觀點上,協助客戶解決問題,並在同性質的產業中,找出合身的品牌形象與定位,有效集中運用資源,發展出自我特色。

Branding Engineer 品牌工程 品牌化經營導向已成為當代趨勢,我們以「品牌工程」的概念,透過資訊整合、市場區隔、鎖定目標對象,找出核心價值與競爭優勢。建立明確的定位與策略後,如同建構工程的藍圖,並依此藍圖結合視覺架構,透過不同傳播工具與消費者溝通對話,系統化的視覺規劃、策略性的廣告行銷,塑造全面性的品牌工程。

Brand Housekeeper 品牌管家 建立品牌需要長期的經營與灌溉,不論是創造過程或後續的維繫管理,都是不可輕忽的。第二階段即以「品牌管家」的定位與視角,以美可特經驗彙集發展之獨特思考流程—計畫循環理論、釐清思緒並審視創作的創意跳板CSB,反覆檢視創意表現是否符合策略,並輔佐品牌精神的落實,傳遞一致性的概念,成為您打造自有品牌的好夥伴。

王盈發 執行總監
Ying Fa Wang / General Director
Over 30 years, the company has accumulated experiences and developed concept of "Victor Design Thinking Triangle" to strengthen the spirit of team work and to cohere power from labor of division in the construction of brand engineering under mutual and tacit assistance for the role played by each other. The company plays the role of "Brand Consultant" when providing service to long-term cooperating customers. Furthermore, the company takes more initiative and persistence in the maintenance of overall image. For years, the company has emphasized on the design prospects through the marketing and consumption perspectives, assisting customers to solve problems and finding out tailored branding image and position from industries of the same nature, which may effectively centralize and utilize resources to develop self-characteristics and establish mutual and subtle trusts.

現任美可特設計公司執行總監,30餘年設計資歷,提出「建構品牌價值與設計策略思考模組」,帶領團隊榮獲德國iF、Red Dot、日本Good Design、比利時Pentawards等多項國際設計大獎。並獲得2015年台灣國際平面設計競賽全場大獎、3次金點設計大獎,連續二年獲得動腦雜誌評選「年度傑出設計公司獎」金獎、2012年Shopping design雜誌評選「年度最佳設計團隊」等。曾擔任第26、28屆金曲獎包裝設計評審、日本ANBD札幌國際海報展競賽評審、日本ASPaC Awards 2016 決選評審等。 著作有「擔露:台灣伴手禮品牌設計20例」「擔露1.5:18個品牌x72件包裝設計」「擔露2018 品牌設計案例」等書,作品常被國內外雜誌、年鑑及媒體蒐錄。