品牌形象識別 & 包裝設計


Branding Visual Identity
Packaging Design

客戶 : 香港 富康泰國際有限公司
品牌 : 酵慕兒

Client : Hong Kong Healthcome International CO., LTD
Brand : Zymore | Enzyme

Published on  09. 04. 2018


Branding Visual Identity
Packaging Design

“ Zymore酵慕兒酵素 ” 將大自然的恩惠,用最單純的形式呈現。僅選揀鳳梨、木瓜兩種具高活性真酵素的水果,透過高科技萃取出二種水果酵素、調配綜合果汁,2X2的雙雙配對,打造雙倍以上營養優物。


“Zymore Enzyme” present the grace of nature with the simplest way. Only chose two fruits “pineapples & papayas” which with highly active enzyme, extract the enzyme from those two fruits through high technology then blending comprehensive juice, pineapple enzyme multiplied by papaya enzyme equal to a double nutritionally superior drink.

In the visual image, present the two fruits bumped together in a “O”, just like two flavors bumped together in a drink. According to the characteristic of pineapple and papaya, the pangolins and the Muller’s Barbets are designed in the image represent the pure with no pollution in the place of production. From the image to the packaging, present the modern fashion of Subtropical, also shows the elegant life that needs to feel it tardily.

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