銀耳多醣系列 面膜包裝設計


Tremella Fuciformis Polysaccharide Series Mask
Packaging Design

客戶 : 蕈優生物科技股份有限公司
品牌 : 方格氏

Client : Q-YO BIO. CO., LTD.
Brand : FANGUS

Published on  09. 27. 2019


Tremella Fuciformis Polysaccharide Series Mask
Packaging Design





The best manner for self, that is choose the most natural and the harmless ingredient for your skin protection.
Fangus, with the purity notion and the strict ingredients selection that only provide for human. Extract the natural polysaccharide with patented technology, moreover, develop multi skin care products and sharing the purely nature maintenance beauty to people.
Tremella Fuciformis extract, which beyond the Hyaluronic acid with 490 times moisture retention could restrain skin aging, and increase the moisture naturally. Fangus’s mask develop products for different condition and needs from natural extract.
The package design continuing the conception and visual identity of Fangus, that the gray visual identity and tremella illustration is added on the white packaging. Furthermore, adding different ingredients for different effects, and distinguished with the color of the line, last, emphasize the natural pure and professional by black, gray and white.
With F.S.C environmentally certified paper selection, is one of the way for responsibility of the environment from Fangus, which is not only focusing on the body maintaining but also for sustaining operation for the entire ecology.

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