

Phyllanthus Emblica Beauty Troches & Phyllanthus Emblica Powder Packaging Design

客戶 : 山果生技股份有限公司
品牌 : 樹重奏

Client :Sanguo CO., LTD.
Brand :trreeo

Published on  07. 02. 2020




Phyllanthus Emblica Beauty Troches & Phyllanthus Emblica Powder Packaging Design

以油甘果為推廣的「trreeo 樹重奏」,透過酵道自然農法,三層立體種作,讓土地復甦和生態平衡,提供純淨的原料製成相關產品。



Trreeo is focusing on promoting  Phyllanthus Emblica, additionally, with Eco Enzyme Farming and three layers of growing way to make the land and ecology balanced.

The natural fruit series produced Phyllanthus Emblica with a convenient size, for offering people with different needs, moreover, keeps maximum nutrition in the production process which no wasting and creates the best quality.Design a specialized identity for natural fruit series, that connects the environment, animals, and Phyllanthus Emblica to improve the whole feeling of visual identity. The small bottle reduces the using space and packaging waste, and the green cap increases the connection with the brand.

Furthermore, Phyllanthus Emblica  Beauty Troches are produced for convenience that is easy to take at any time. 

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