Zymore | Enzyme

β-Glucan Mask
Packaging Design
客戶 : 香港 富康泰國際有限公司
品牌 : 酵慕兒

Client : Hong Kong Healthcome International CO., LTD.
Brand : Zymore | Enzyme

Published on  04. 27. 2021
Zymore | Enzyme

β-Glucan Mask
Packaging Design




Experience the wonderful from nature, and give beauty more energy.Zymore continues the brand’s concept of transfer the gift from nature. Take pineapple and papaya as the base and adding the polysaccharide that maintains the body and gives skincare a better choice.
The ground keeps growing, feeds everything rich nutrition, takes the goddess of the earth “Demeter”, bringing goddess, ground, ocean, plant, and animals together, that collect into this maintain mask, and at this moment is all for your beauty.
Use the sketch hand-drawn connecting the goddess with everything in the world, and more with the warm color shows a natural feeling. Represent the logo with blind embossing, and special laser printing is setting aside that shows the name of the product.
Contains six packs of masks inside which separate a painting into six, this painting can be seen as one and also pretty separated into six. The whole painting expresses the rich ingredient and the natural environment image of the natural silk fabric, that complete your goddess way by using every single mask.

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