nostalgia 氣味記憶
精油品牌形象識別 & 包裝設計

nostalgia・odor memory

Essential Oil Branding Visual Identity Packaging Design

客戶 : 奧古斯托國際有限公司
品牌 : nostalgia 氣味記憶

Client : Augusta International CO., LTD.
Brand : nostalgia | odor memory

Published on  09. 20. 2018

nostalgia・odor memory

Essential Oil Branding Visual Identity Packaging Design

經營天然營養品牌的Augusta,熱愛瑜珈與生活,一直在尋找心目中理想的精油,後來與同樣熱愛天然原料素材,擁有專業國際芳療師認證的好友 Fiona,一起開發延伸出nostalgia ,「100%天然植物精油」為主題開發的療癒保養系列。


Augusta, who managed natural nutrition brand, who loves yoga and life, and keep looking for an ideal essential oil. Further she researches and development a theme of healing and care series -100% natural plant essential oil “nostalgia” with Fiona who also love natural material and have a professional international aromatherapist certification.

The memory which locked in brain is waiting for a key to open it, “nostalgia” takes the key as the branding visual image, the package design with simple and restrained style, three different effects of essential oil combine with three different design of key, further transform to a special visual code of the brand. When the smell from essential oil gets into your brain and bringing the body’s memory of imagination and emancipation just like unlock the odor memory sealed by brain.

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