2022壬寅年 虎好好賀卡&提袋設計

Victor Design 

2022 Happy Hoo Year Card  
Bag Design

客戶 : 美可特品牌企劃設計
品牌 :美可特品牌企劃設計

Client : Victor Branding Design CORP.
Brand : Victor Design

Published on  01. 18. 2022

Victor Design 

2022 Happy Hoo Year Card  
Bag Design

「 虎嘯招財到,虎氣臨門敲 」


今年Hoo Ho Ho虎好好的標題概念,也是希望不論遇到任何事,都能大笑三聲,三笑置之。


Tiger roars money comes, happiness tiger knocks your door.
Tiger year represents power, lively and good luck. The lucky Tiger as Victor’s main image of the tiger year, with the happiness coin and money-hat that bring you money and happiness. The Victor yellow increase the feeling of a brightening future, the bold text type creates a balanced layout, and the hot foil stamping that bringing out the image of the lucky tiger.
The concept of Hoo Ho Ho means no matter what happened, three big laughs that let everything go.
Wish everyone will pass 2022 silver tiger year safe and happy.

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